Removal of moles and growths

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Modern minimally invasive method of removing unwanted skin formations without scars and bleedingis: JETT PLASMA LIFT MEDICAL nebo CO2 laseru

CO2 laser: It is a modern minimally invasive method of removing unwanted skin formations without scars and bleeding.

During the treatment the place of the treatment is disinfected and a local anesthesia can be applied – injection of the local anesthetic (thus a pain is not perceived). In small places where anesthesia is not applied, a client feels a slight burning and stinging in the place of the treatment. Eyes are protected with glasses during the treatment.

Immediately after the procedure the treated skin place can be a bit pink with a slight swelling around. An antibiotic ointment is applied on the surface, and gradually the place is healed with a scab. After its separation there is a visible new delicate pink skin, which must be protected 2–3 months against UV radiation (sun, solarium), because of successful healing and preventing unwanted pigmentation.

When the treatment can not be done:

  • in the case of diagnosis of malignant skin cancer
  • in the case of high-risk pregnancy
  • in the case of active inflammatory skin diseases in the near surrounding of skin formation (eg. acute herpes simplex, impetigo, erysipel etc.)
  • in the case of an uncooperative client

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